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Post Date: 13-November-2013
Archbishop’s Appeal for the Philippines

The Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda called by the Filipinos) attacked the central Philippine city caused serious destruction and casualties were estimated more than one hundred thousand. The Most Revd Dr. Paul Kwong, Archbishop and Primate of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui has donated three hundred thousand dollars from the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Archbishop World Relief Fund as an initial step in relieving the need of the sufferers in the affected areas.

In addition, Archbishop Paul also appeals to churches, schools and social welfare units of the province to be generous in their contributions and to remember the sufferers and the dead in their prayers. Donations will be collected through the “Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Archbishop World Relief Fund”. Please make your cheque payable to “Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Archbishop World Relief Fund” and send to Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Provincial Office, 16th Floor, Tung Wai Commercial Building, 109-11 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. You may also make a direct transfer to “Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Archbishop World Relief Fund” Account: The Bank of East Asia Account No. 015-514-40-53009-3

Please note: Donations of HK$100 or above are Tax exempt and an official receipt will be issued.

Any enquiry pleas ring 25265355 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Provincial Office.


超強颱風重創菲律賓 大主教世界援助基金先撥港幣30萬支援災民





此 外,大主教已決定先從「香港聖公會大主教世界援助基金」撥出三十萬元支援災區,同時亦籲請各堂、校和社服機構,同心伸出援手關懷災民,捐款到「香港聖公會 大主教世界援助基金」,紓緩菲律賓災民苦況,扶助災民度過難關重建家園。所有捐款,將全數捐出支援災區及協助災後重建之用。

1. 直接存款:東亞銀行賬戶 015-514-40-53009-3「香港聖公會大主教世界援助基金」
2. 劃線支票:抬頭「香港聖公會大主教世界援助基金」,寄往香港灣仔告士打道109-111號東惠商業大廈16樓香港聖公會教省辦事處「香港聖公會大主教世界援助基金」(如需收據請註明姓名、地址及聯絡電話,捐款100元以上可申請豁免稅項)

如有查詢,請致電2526 5355香港聖公會教省辦事處查詢。
