St. Paul’s College Senior School Choir set out on an inspiring journey to Guangzhou and Macau on 21st and 22nd October, filling the air with beautiful music.
The performances at the Art Institute of the Orient in Shamian, Guangzhou (廣洲沙面島), and St. Dominic's Church in Macau (澳門玫瑰堂) were truly remarkable but the highlight of the tour was the Choral Concert on Chinese Poetry, where our choristers shared the stage with choirs from Good Hope School (德望學校), Guangzhou Little Petrel Children’s Choir (廣州市海珠區少年宮小海燕合唱團), and Sacred Heart Canossian College, Macau (澳門嘉諾撒聖心英文中學) .
During their stay, our students had the opportunity to explore the bustling city centers in small groups, immersing themselves in Chinese culture and history.
With the support of parents and an enthusiastic audience, our performances were a resounding success. Our boys took up the role of music ambassadors of Hong Kong, building friendships with young choir members from Guangzhou, Macau, and Hong Kong, making this two-day trip a fulfilling and heart-warming experience.
At St. Paul’s College, we are dedicated to nurturing talents and creating unforgettable memories. We are immensely proud of our choir's achievements and eagerly anticipate more exciting journeys and musical adventures in the future.