The Junior CU held their first public meeting on October 4th, while the Senior CU had theirs on October 6th.
During the Junior CU meeting, a lively game called "Guess the Leader" was played to encourage participants to use their talents in spreading God's love and embracing Christian values. The Senior CU meeting focused on discussing the true meaning of commitment, inspired by the story of Sarah Lee Wai-sze, a professional cyclist who overcame struggles to achieve success through unwavering commitment.
Both meetings received an enthusiastic response, with over 60 students attending. The Christian Union expresses gratitude to the teachers and members of St. Stephen's Church who supported the boys' Gospel work in the College. Principal Mr. Dennis Yuen also attended both meetings, offering his tremendous support and encouragement. He emphasized that the Christian Union is more than a club or student society; it is a fellowship—a gathering of people sharing a bond and building a community. Mr. Yuen expressed his desire for all students to experience and share a fellowship in their lives.
May God continue to unite us in faith, guiding us to grow and learn together in fellowship as we pursue a common faith and yearning for God.