This year’s Form 1 Heritage Service was successfully held on 22 September at St. Paul’s Church after being postponed by Tropical Cyclone Koinu. The Form 1 Heritage Service is a yearly event where the new generation of Paulines are taken to St. Paul’s Church to take part in a church service.
The purpose of the event is not only for the new Form 1 students to experience a Christian church service and receive the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist in the Christian tradition, but also to understand the College’s Christian roots and proud heritage. Our principal, Mr. Dennis Yuen, addressed the congregation by explaining the significance of the church's decor and tying it to the Christian traditions that our College firmly embraces and upholds.
Our College chaplain, Fr. Shazz, gave the Holy Communion, with around 50 boys and teachers receiving the body and blood of Christ. We extend our gratitude to St. Paul’s Church for preparing the venue and arranging for one of their parishioners to serve as an acolyte in the service, as well as to the committee members of our College’s Christian Union for their valuable assistance.
May the Lord fill all new Paulines with the Holy Spirits so that through the College's Christian traditions and education, the seeds of the Gospel will be firmly planted in their hearts and minds. may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all forevermore, Amen.