We are very proud that our Form 6 students have continued to excel in the HKDSE Examination despite various challenges they had to face during the pandemic over the past three years.
We are delighted to report that 85.3% of this year’s cohort have met the general entrance requirements (i.e. “332222” in the four core subjects and two electives) for JUPAS undergraduate programmes.
Highlights of the outstanding achievements of the Class of 2023 include:
(1) |
Yeung Brian achieved Level 5** in five subjects. |
(2) |
On average, our students attained Level 5 or above in 3.7 subjects. |
(3) |
Our students have continued to perform exceedingly well in the core and elective subjects. |
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The average percentages of the students obtaining Level 5 or above were, respectively, 46.1% in the 4 core subjects and 51.2% in all subjects. |
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The average percentages of the students obtaining Level 4 or above were, respectively, 80.4% in the 4 core subjects and 80.7% in all subjects. |
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Over 30% of our students attained Level 5* or above in these 8 subjects: |
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Over 50% of our students attained Level 5 or above in these 12 subjects: |
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Over 80% of our students attained Level 4 or above in these 11 subjects: |
Congratulations to our F.6 graduates! We wish them great success in their future endeavours.