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Post Date: 11-May-2023
Form 5 Citizenship and Social Development (CSD) Students Explore Aviation Technology in Zhuhai

On 24 April, our Form 5 CSD students, led by Principal Mr. Yuen and nine teachers, visited the Aifeike Aviation Popularization of Science Education Base in Zhuhai (愛飛客航空科普教育基地). It was the College’s first CSD mainland study tour, and we were delighted to be accompanied by three representatives from the Education Bureau (EDB).

Our group was treated to a guided tour, a career talk and a variety of hands-on activities. These experiences provided our students valuable insights, expanding their knowledge of aviation and sparking their interest in the field.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Aifeike Aviation Popularization of Science Education Base and the EDB for providing us with this experiential learning opportunity.

During the tour, our students learnt about Feng Ru (馮如), who is widely regarded as the "Father of Aviation" in China because of his pioneering work in aviation during the early 20th century. We hope our students will follow his example and be pioneers in innovation and creativity, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Photo Credits:
Mr. Lee Ka Wai
Mr. Wu Chun Fai