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Post Date: 29-June-2016
Chu Yau Man, Klinsman (3B) clinches Hong Kong Outstanding Teens Award

Chu Yau Man Klinsman (3B) was selected as one of the Top 10 winners in the Hong Kong Outstanding Teens Election 2016, organised by the Hong Kong Playground Association.  

Klinsman's pleasant personality and his outstanding achievements in sports, service and leadership made him stand out from over 600 candidates from secondary schools across the territory. At the award presentation ceremony held last week, Klinsman expressed his sincere gratitude to his parents, teachers, friends and coaches for their guidance and support.  

The College extends its congratulations to Klinsman on his outstanding achievement.

(You may click these links: for more information about the Hong Kong Outstanding Teens Election 2016, and for a Chinese news report on the award presentation ceremony.)